Ryosuke Mayumi, Naoki Ohshima, and Michio Okada, Pocketable- Bones: A Portable Robot Sharing Interests with User in the Breast Pocket
ICSR2016 Robot Design Competition, Best Robot Design (Special Recognition) Award
Soshi Yoshikawa, Nihan Kataras, Michio Okada, Keiko Shimazaki, Chihiro Sannomiya, Kazunari Nawa: A Social Robot Platform for Personalized Interactive Companions, Robot Design Competition, ICSR2016 (2016).
RO-MAN2015 Best Paper Award Finalist
Hitomi Matsushita, Yohei Kurata, P. Ravindra S De Silva, and Michio Okada: Talking-Ally: What is the Future of Robot’s Utterance Generation?, The 24th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (2015).
HRI2013 Best Demonstration (Honorable Mention) Award
Yasutaka Takeda, Shohei Sawada, Tatsuya Mori, Kohei Yoshida, Yu Arita, Takahiro Asano, Naoki Ohshima, P. Ravindra De Silva and Michio Okada: Sociable Creatures for Child-Robot Interaction Studies, The 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Demonstration Session, HRI’13 (2013).
ICSR2012 Best Robot Design Award
Daiki Tanaka, Takahiro Asano, P. Ravindra De Silva, Michio Okada: Peepho-Towards A Future Social Eyepiece, The fourth International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR2012), 3rd Robot Design Competition (2012).
HRI 2010 Best Late-Breaking Report Award
Yuto Yamaji, Taisuke Miyake, Yuta Yoshiike, P. Ravindra De Silva and Michio Okada: STB: Human-Dependent Sociable Trash Box, The 5th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (2010).
ICSR 2010 Best Paper Award Finalist
Yuto Yamaji, Taisuke Miyake, Yuta Yoshiike, P. Ravindra De Silva and Michio Okada: STB: Intentional Stance Grounded Child-dependent Robot, International Conference on Social Robotics (2010).